Oct 30th: Lecure @ JHU
Oct 24th: judging in Brooklyn.
Areas of Expertise
Creative Direction
Video Production
Brand Elasticity
Social Branding
Team Building
Design Thinking
Client Presentation
Professional Practice
Robert has been an actor, an author, an avid crafter, a lecturer, an anthropologist, a modern dancer, a guest on the lifestyles of the rich and famous, a pretzel seller, a rogue taxidermist, Grover Cleveland,
a bartender, craft-services, a cable access host, a disc jockey, a Mermaid Parade Judge, an alien debunker for William Shatner, a life guard, a reality TV producer, a hair model, abducted by pirates off the coast of Timor-Leste, a world-class creative director for some of the best brands, a pioneer of “indie pharma” and whatever comes next.
Let’s be Has Beens together
robert.marbury @ gmail.com or visit my Art Website
Further Reading:
Baltimore City Paper Best of Baltimore Sept 14, 2015
Virginia Quarterly Winter 2015
Wall Street Journal Dec 8, 2014
Slate's The Gist Podcast Oct 9, 2014